8x8: Configuring your Voicemail PIN & Greeting

Modified on Tue, 30 Jul, 2024 at 2:53 PM

Please note: Using the Apple/Android App, 8x8's Desktop App, or using 8x8 via the web at https://work.8x8.com does not require the use of a Voicemail PIN because Visual Voicemail is built into these options.

A handy "take with you" guide can be found in the 8x8 Help Center, including a PDF of the 8x8 Voicemail Quick User Guide.

To update your Voicemail PIN and its greeting from your desk's physical phone:
  1. Lift the handset (or press Speakerphone Button).
  2. Dial 555.
  3. After hearing challenge for PIN, press #.
  4. You'll hear: "The password you entered does not meet security requirements." This is true as there is not yet a PIN configured, which by nature doesn't meet security requirements.
  5. You'll be asked to enter a new PIN (minimum of 6 digits).
  6. After setting your new PIN, you should have complete access to your VM Box! (PDF Voicemail Quick Reference Guide)
  7. Use the menu to guide you in setting your Voicemail Greeting.
  8. Hang up the handset (or press Speakerphone Button) to finish.
  9. Dialing a hardware phone's 555 should now work with your PIN.
  10. Those using mobile devices ONLY: Those choosing not to use the site, app or desk phone should know the 8x8 app on mobile devices does not yet provide a way to update a voicemail greeting, despite having Visual Voicemail!

Via the site on a browser, or the 8x8 app just clicking the settings cog/gear ⚙ provides some tabs, one of which is named Voicemail. This is where you can record several Voicemail greetings, as you need.

If you've forgotten your 6+digit PIN and need it reset, please email [email protected] to generate a ticket and request help for the reset.

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